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Pittsburgh Phil Racing Maxims

Race Horse Classification

Handicapping Horse Races with Algorithms

Maxims of Pittsburg Phil “Racing Maxims and Methods of Pittsburg Phil,” by Edward W. A good jockey, a good horse, a good bet. A poor jockey, a good horse, a moderate bet.

Maxim Racing Inc

  • In this first part of a serialization of Racing Maxims and Methods of Pittsburgh Phil, Smith shares his overview of what is involved in being a successful horse bettor;.
  • 'Racing Maxims of Pittsburgh Phil', based on the only interview of the famous horseplayer, George E. Smith The 1928 ' Handbook on Percentages ', republished in 1976 by GBC with the '.firm belief.that the library of any gamblephile sic is incomplete without this classic work.
  • In 1916, a horse called George Smith won the Kentucky Derby. That was Pittsburgh Phil’s birth name. The Maxims of Pittsburgh Phil were written, and still remain in print over a hundred years later. New York racing honored the Dwyer brothers when they renamed the Brooklyn handicap the Dwyer in 1918.

Clockers' Corner is a horse classification service. The app runs algorithms designed to assist horse players in determining the true class of a race horse, as related to the surface, distance, impost and level of competition assigned today.

Based in foundation upon the old Jockey Club method of weights and scales, developed into an algorithmset which assigns numerical ratings for the Primary, Secondary and Unknown Factors.

Pittsburgh Phil Racing Maxims

A raw probability rating, weighted for the specific race type and conditions, is calculated from these data, then adjusted for the racetrack takeout.

Pittsburgh Phil Maxims

Producing an adjusted win probability, fair odds, and wager bifurcation point, for each entry.
